Coming to America: Hadi Choopan
For the past 4 years, IFBB Pro Hadi Choopan has tried to compete in United States. Due to travel restrictions, most said "it couldn't be done." But Hany Rambod and Team Evogen have been relentlessly purising Hadi's Visa for the past 14 months. These are the moments leading up to Hadi Choopans arrival on U.S. soil.
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Team Evogen Announces the Signing of IFBB Bikini Pro Camile Periat
With the release of their premium grass-fed peptide formula Collagen Plus Hydration with Aquamin™, Evogen solidifies its team by signing the Bikini Olympia contender Camile Periat
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Train with The Pro Creator: No Limits FST-7 Shoulders with Andrei Deiu
22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod recently got together with Team Evogen Elite IFBB Pro Andrei Deiu to discuss plans for his pro debut. Follow The Pro Creator behind the scenes as he pushes Andrei to his limits with an FST-7 shoulders workout at 49ers Fit in San Jose.
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10 Tips to Get Lean and Achieve a 3D Physique
It’s one thing to be lean, but it’s another thing to be lean and 3D. That look where every muscle on your body just freakishly pops out. You’re not smooth and you’re not soft – you’re jacked. It’s not easy to achieve, but when you put in the work and follow some helpful tips and strategies, it’s definitely achievable. So, if you’re looking to achieve a 3D physique and get lean, you’re definitely going to find value from this article.
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Detox Practices You Should Implement Daily to Look Your Best
While there are many detox products out on the market today, you don’t need to fall into the trap that so many have f...
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Utilize These 8 Steps to Improve Your Skin Health Today
When asked, “What is the body’s largest organ?” Many people will think for a few seconds before guessing. The majorit...
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Hany Rambod and Hadi Choopan Blast FST-7 Arms
Earlier this year, 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod caught up with Team Evogen Elite's Hadi Choopan to set a g...
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Thermogenics 101: How They Work
When it comes to supplements, one of the best-selling categories are thermogenics (or you may know them more commonly referred to as “fat burners”). A survey conducted showed that of those who were trying to lose weight, more than 30% used a thermogenic supplement of some sort to help speed up their weight loss progress. What exactly is the purpose of thermogenics? As the name would imply (thermo), they are used to increase heat production in the body, or also known as thermogenesis. This generally takes place by increasing the metabolic rate so that energy is produced from the utilization of food consumed and also from what is stored in the body (such as body fat for example).
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10 Tips to Fast-Track Your Beach Body This Summer
In this article, I’m going to give you 10 tips that you can use to fast-track your beach body this year!
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Evogen's Global Launch of New Super Huge Gainer
Evogen Nutrition, a globally distributed sports nutrition company founded by 22X Olympia winning coach Hany “The Pro ...
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Train with The Pro Creator: FST-7 Shoulders at Santa Cruz Power Fitness
On a beautiful day in the Bay Area, Hany Rambod and Team Evogen Elite took a trip over the hill into the sunny beach town of Santa Cruz and took over the newest Evogen Elite Retailer Santa Cruz Power Fitness.Follow the Pro Creator in this FST-7 shoulders workout.
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Train with Team Evogen: Lauren's Call To Arms with Kayla Lesko
Team Evogen Elite athlete Lauren Findley had been talking with Kayla Lesko on Instagram for over a year. Originally, ...
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