3D How To: Andrei Deiu 36 Hours Out at Romania Pro
Dec 02, 2019
Follow 22X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod behind the scenes from the hotel room of Team Evogen's Andrei Deiu hours prior to winning the IFBB Romania Pro.
Hany had Andrei using Evolog 3X a day while carbing up with potatoes and rice the final days before the show. He also used the new EVP AQ mixed with EVP Xtreme N.O. 30 minutes before training during his entire prep. Andrei also sipped Amino KEM during the training for added recovery, hydration, and fullness.
Check out the video above to follow along as Hany prepared Andrei Deiu 36 hours out at Romania Pro.
If you want to use the same supplements Andrei was at the Romania Pro, we have the full list below.
• Evolog: 3 times a day to optimize the carbs being consumed
• Glycoject: (as needed) during the final hours of carb-up
During Prep:
The “O” Creator Stack
• EVP Xtreme NO: Creating muscle fullness with the use of NO3-T® nitrates
• EVP AQ: Increasing muscle roundness and fullness by hyper hydration
• Amino KEM: Optimizing Recovery & blood flow with EAA/BCAAs & added hydration
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