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Hany Rambod's 70 Seconds on FST-7 Upright Row

Today, Hany Rambod the "Pro Creator" and coach to 22 Olympia titles and is featuring approximately 70 seconds on FST-7 tips for upright row.

Related Article: FST-7 Prep Mode: Andrei Blasts Back with Hany 5 Weeks Out

Hany's variation of the upright row uses dumbbells in an up and outward motion. The movement is less like a traditional upright row and more like a hybrid between an upright row and a lateral raise.

Follow these tips:

  1. Keep tension on the muscle
  2. Range of motion should not let the hands go above the shoulders
  3. Avoid using momentum
  4. Use partials as an intensity modifier when the delts are fatigued
  5. Use this movement as an FST-7 foundation move
  6. 3 sets x 12-15 reps

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