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D3FENSE: The Pressure To Win

D3FENSE: The Pressure To Win

What is it like to walk in the shoes of Mr. Physique Olympia? Wake up, eat, train, sleep, repeat. That’s just not it. Social media hype, trolls, the fans, and managing engagement. The business of being a fitness personality and #1. The spot light, cameras following you, photoshoots. The pressure of being Mr. Olympia and coaching Olympians. Everyone wants to be famous but do they want the grind of it?

Related Episode: Jeremy Buendia D3FENSE Episode 3: Closing In On Perfection

Jeremy Bundia's Olympia Meal Plan

Meal 1

1 Cup Egg Whites

4 oz Chicken

1/2-3/4 cup Oatmeal

Meal 2

7 oz White Fish (Tilapia or Cod)

1/2 Cup Basmati Rice or 4 oz sweet potato

Meal 3

7 oz Tilapia or Salmon

3/4 cup Rice or 6 oz Sweet potato


EVP Plus Carnigen


Cell K.E.M. GlycoJect (only on refeed or lagging body part days)

Post workout

Cell K.E.M. IsoJect

Meal 4

7 oz Chicken or white fish

4-6 oz sweet potato or 1/2-3/4 cup rice

Meal 5

7 oz White fish veggies (usually green beans)

Meal 6

7 oz fish Veggies

Craving Killer: IsoJect pancakes, 1 scoop IsoJect 3/4 cup egg whites

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