Team Evogen Elite IFBB Pro Issac Miranda Lower Body Workout
Aug 19, 2020
Get outside with IFBB Pro Issac Miranda as he takes you through a lower body workout.
Using a kettlebell, Issac moves through each rep with purpose.
This is a great workout for those who don't have a lot of space at home but want to build a home gym. You can use a kettlebell for all all sorts of exercises and workouts, like this lower body workout.
Investing in your health and fitness is a great idea and kettlebells are a fantastic investment in yourself and your health.
Follow Miranda rep for rep during Team Evogen Elite lower body workout and then take what you learn and apply it to your lower body workout this week and let us know how it goes!
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- Warm up
- Lower mobility movement 1Â
- Lower mobility movement 2Â
- Kettlebell Side lunge 20 reps 4 setsÂ
- Kettlebell Goblet squats 20 reps 4 setsÂ
- Reverse lunge with Kettlebell pass through 20 reps 4 setsÂ
- Clean to Squat (3 each side then switch) 20 reps 4 setsÂ
- Staggered straight leg dead lifts 20 reps 4 sets