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Supplement Science

Magnesium and Insulin 101

Mar 30, 2022

Magnesium and Insulin 101

Magnesium seems to be a supplement that unfortunately gets overlooked by many. When we think of vitamins and minerals, everyone seems to be concerned about vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, etc. Yet, magnesium plays several key roles in the body and should not be neglected or forgotten about.
Better Body Composition with Probiotics

Mar 14, 2022

Better Body Composition with Probiotics

If you were looking to enhance your physique by stripping away some body fat and revealing the hard, dense muscle you’ve built in the gym, most people would lead you to believe you need a fat burner. Sure, fat burners are amazing, and they can help enhance your ability to burn stubborn body fat. But there’s one thing that most fat burners really don’t leverage when it comes to completely transforming your body composition… gut health and probiotics.
Advanced Rehydrating 101: The Power of Glycerol

Mar 12, 2022

Advanced Rehydrating 101: The Power of Glycerol

Are you someone who trains regularly? Do you expect to perform optimally each and every time you walk into the gym? You probably slammed your pre-workout, are jacked up on caffeine, but then you still wonder why your workouts suck. It could be due to your lack of focus on hydration levels. Whaaaat? It’s true. Something as simple as hydration could be causing you to fall short in your workouts. Advanced rehydrating is something everyone who trains should pay close attention to, and it should involve glycerol. 
Want to Think Clearer at Work? Here’s How with Alpha-GPC!

Feb 23, 2022

Want to Think Clearer at Work? Here’s How with Alpha-GPC!

How often do you find yourself zoning out around 2 pm at work? You find yourself suffering from brain fog, your productivity is down, and you just can’t concentrate. Or even worse, you’re standing in front of your biggest client or executives, and you can’t even collect your thoughts to remember your presentation. How embarrassing! Well, if you want to think clearer at work and perform your best mentally, you should look at Alpha-GPC.
Gut-Brain Axis 101: Can Gut Health Improve Mental Health?

Feb 9, 2022

Gut-Brain Axis 101: Can Gut Health Improve Mental Health?

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, what if I told you that the way to his mental health is also through his stomach? Have you ever heard of the gut-brain axis? Probably not, right? And it’s a shame that this topic isn’t covered more often as it can help many people.
Optimizing Muscle Growth with Zinc

Feb 1, 2022

Optimizing Muscle Growth with Zinc

As an elite athlete or someone who trains with any sort of intensity, it’s easy to become deficient in micronutrients if you aren’t staying on top of your daily nutrition. And when it comes to a nutrient you don’t want to be low in, where would zinc rank on your list? If you know anything about this vital nutrient, you should understand its benefits and why it should be prioritized when it comes to optimizing muscle growth.
Boost Immunity Through a Proven Multi-Faceted Approach

Jan 13, 2022

Boost Immunity Through a Proven Multi-Faceted Approach

For some reason, people push off their health until they lose it. If you look around you, it’s common to find many people getting sick from various illnesses and viruses that are highly contagious. Why wait? If you want to boost immunity, you need to play offense and not defense after you’ve already caught something. 
Cleaning Yourself Out - Taking Out the Trash in Your Gut

Dec 7, 2021

Cleaning Yourself Out - Taking Out the Trash in Your Gut

The human gut is involved in various activities that are essential for our overall health. Imbalances in gut microbiota can lead to some serious metabolic abnormalities and a variety of diseases. When it comes to improving gut health, prebiotics have become quite popular as an effective nonpharmacological approach to promote gut symbiosis and overall health.
Collagen for Athletes: The 5 Benefits You NEED to Know

Nov 18, 2021

Collagen for Athletes: The 5 Benefits You NEED to Know

Athletes are constantly pushing their bodies to the limits and put a lot of demand on their bones, muscles, and joints. Injuries are, unfortunately, very common for athletes these days, and the question of how they can reduce the risk of injury or boost their recovery is often asked. Any kind of injury, both big and small, can have devastating impacts on athletes and their performance. To perform and progress at training and sporting events, it is important for athletes to recover fully to have no risk of injury. This is where collagen for athletes comes into play.
Slay Sickness from the Inside Out: Boost Immunity with De111

Nov 10, 2021

Slay Sickness from the Inside Out: Boost Immunity with De111

In today’s sports world, athletes are constantly putting an endless amount of stress on their bodies due to intense training sessions. Moderate physical activity on a daily basis can indeed have positive effects on our immune system, but prolonged periods of rigorous exercise and completion may lead to immune deterioration. Athletes tend to become more susceptible to infections due to systemic and mucosal immune suppression.
Better Recovery with Enzymes: An Athlete’s Missing Link?

Nov 3, 2021

Better Recovery with Enzymes: An Athlete’s Missing Link?

When making a supplement shopping list, athletes often have protein powder, amino acids, multivitamins, fish oil, various additional vitamins and minerals, creatine, and more. However, the one thing just about all athletes neglect is enzyme supplements. While there’s nothing “sexy” about enzymes, when it comes to proper recovery, many people (not just athletes) forget just how important digestive enzymes can be.
Shroomin’ & Bloomin’: 3 Ways Lions Mane Improves Brain Energy

Sep 17, 2021

Shroomin’ & Bloomin’: 3 Ways Lions Mane Improves Brain Energy

Were you ever faced with situations where you stared at the blank screen of your laptop or desktop, trying to brainstorm new ideas for something? Unfortunately, at that moment, your brain refused to work or function optimally, and you faced a roadblock in your creative thinking. You got enough sleep, ate a healthy meal, and there isn’t anything that is around to disrupt your brain’s creative powers. But still, nothing seems to be happening up there. Your brain energy has simply disappeared. So, what is the solution?

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